female ultrasound report पढ़कर समझना आसान
GALL BLADDER: Is normal in size, shape and position. No evidence of any calculi is seen. SPLEEN: Appears to be normal. PANCREAS: Appears to be normal. No focal or diffuse mass lesion is seen.
The principle organ of the stomach related framework and the initial segment of the small digestive system is the pancreas. This enormous organ of the stomach is situated close to the upper piece of the small digestive system. The pancreas produces chemicals and compounds that guide in the assimilation of food. It likewise helps in controlling the sugar interaction of the body.
KIDNEY: B/L kidney shows normal size, shape, position and pelvicalyceal system. Cortico medullary differentiation is maintained.
URINARY BLADDER: Shows normal lumen. Wall thickness is within normal limits. No calculi or focal mass lesion is seen.
UTERUS: (गर्भाशय)Shows normal size, shape and echotexture. Endometrial thickness and lining appears to be normal. No focal or diffuse mass lesion is seen.
64x36mm---Uterus size
5.3mm--Endometrial thickness
OVARY: (शरीर का वही अंग होता है जहां पर औरत को मां बना सकने वाले अंडे बनते हैं)B/L ovaries show normal size, shape and echotexture. No mass lesion seen.
POUCH OF DOUGLAS: Shows no free fluid.
Great vessels appear normal. No LAP is seen.
Bowel movements appear to be normal. No free fluid is seen in peritoneal cavity.
IMPRESSION: USG findings are suggestive of ---
Uterus appears to be normal in size. EC is well-defined in outline and of normal thickness.
ovaries are normal. No dominant follicle seen in bilateral ovaries at the time Scan
Mild probe tenderness elicited in epigastric region. Possibility of APD to be considered.
Rest of the abdominal organs are normal.
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